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Help Desk

Welcome to our page dedicated to support services for domestic violence. We are aware that talking about these situations can be difficult, so we have created this page to give you some advice on what domestic violence is and how to recognize it if you think you are a victim of it.


It is important to understand that domestic violence can take different forms: 


  • Physical violence includes beatings, slaps, pushes, strangulations, burns, mutilations and any other violent act that causes physical harm to the victim. 


  • Sexual violence can take the form of rape, sexual assault, sexual harassment, coercion into unwanted sexual acts, or any other form of sexual violence. 


  • Psychological abuse can include humiliation, isolation, belittlement, manipulation, control, emotional blackmail, harassment and any other behavior that aims to belittle or control someone.


  • Finally, economic violence includes deprivation of financial resources, destruction of property, control of the victim's finances, as well as any behavior that makes the victim financially dependent and vulnerable.


It is important to know that these different forms of violence are not mutually exclusive and can overlap. It is also important to note that domestic violence is not just reserved for heterosexual couples and can affect all marital relationships, whether heterosexual or homosexual.


You'll find here several useful addresses for help and support, in particular associations specialized in supporting victims, emergency numbers to contact in the event of immediate danger, as well as information on legal proceedings and available protection measures.


If you feel in danger or think you are a victim of domestic violence, do not hesitate to contact one of the support services we have listed on this page. 


You are not alone and it is possible to get out of this situation.


02 502 00 70 

(direct line with answering machine)

Tels Quel is an association that carries out actions around the themes of sexual orientation and gender identities. It aims to fight against discrimination against lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgender and intersex people, and other minorities (LGBTI+).


Pl. de la Liberte 4, 1000 Brussels

Such. :+32 (0)2 512 45 87


LGBTQIA+ community center in Brussels offering a range of support services, including a hotline for victims of domestic and family violence.

Coal Market Street 42,

1000 Brussels

Such. :+32 (0)2 503 59 90


Genres Pluriels is an association working to support, raise awareness, promote, improve rights and fight against discrimination against transgender/gender fluid people (people in transition, drag kings/drag queens, transvestites, butchs, androgynous, queer, etc. and intersex people, including a hotline for victims of violence.


Such. :+32 (0)487 63 23 43


The "Ecoute Violences Conjugales" toll-free number is part of the coordinated system to combat violence between partners set up in 2008 by Minister Didier Donfut (in charge of health, social action and equal opportunities).

The objective of this system was to strengthen the fight against domestic violence by creating a free telephone line in French-speaking Belgium.


Such. : +32 (0)800 30 0 30


Psychotherapist specialized in supporting victims of narcissistic perverts, she operates in Namur and Charneux near Liège:


NB: She also oversees a support group for victims and former victims in Namur.


 Address: Rue Pépin 40, 5000 Namur.



Center for the prevention of domestic and family violence:


 Address: Boulevard de l'Abattoir 28, 1000 Brussels


 Phone:02/539.27.44(Fix number)/02/216.36.62(Meriem Mansero).


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